NaNoWriMo Time

Yes I said it out loud and it sounds awesome. I signed up once but was to shy to actually do it. I hate myself for it to this day but it was write after my accident and I wasn’t really up for it I suppose.
JoRobinson, Author and Goddess of writing and self-publishing gives awesome advice. Go check her new article out on LitWorldInterviews.

Lit World Interviews

I took part in the NaNoWriMo event in 2012, and completing that crazy, epic sprint to the end taught me more than I expected about the job of writing. First and foremost is the daily word quota. The more you fall behind, the less chance you have of catching up, and writing just under 1 700 words a day seems daunting. The thing is, that most of us write more words than that every day without thinking about it. We blog, we interview, we write bits of our works in process. It’s absolutely doable though.

The beauty of the NaNo is that you get to leave chunks out. You just pop over anything you’re not sure of and write on, because editing during NaNo is death. The urge to go back and at least read over what I’d written so far nearly took me out, but I knew that if…

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