Observe the curves without reserves. (A Poem)

Lyrically challenged in a pop centric world.
I keep my thoughts of girls in a jar like a pearl.
Never to be known or set on a velvet throne.
I keep to myself with, starving with a bone.

Dreams are made of these, no, I don’t disagree.
Who can say what is right or wrong, when it comes to the use of the leather or the song?
Needing, pleading, feeding, my misdeeding, I beg for a leg of a born again Meg.
Do you know, what I want to show, on a meandering row full of dough?

Pleasure for pain, is it right or insane, do you think I’m plain if I don’t refrain?
Is that a comment on society or just someones notoriety?
Today is the day to end all the dismay, with what in the world I have to say.
Nothing like the form of the warm and torn and silkily worn.

I play with the words you heard, but hurt from the blurred absurd.
With these I mean no harm, unlike the dogs from the stud farm.
I merely want to observe without reserve the curves with a curve.
No, I know I’m not normal, but who ever said my rhymes had to be formal?


Let’s connect.




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RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge #39 Vie&Reach

All links on this page will open in this window. If you see or hear the words click here that means the word here has a link in it you may click or select and go to another page with information. If you do this, then simply click the back arrow in your browser to return to this post page.

39-challengeChallenge 39

Welcome to Haikutown.

I don’t know I keep trying to come up with different Haikuties each week to say–Oops, I did it again! I have no credibility left do I?

Want to know How to write a Haiku Poem in English Form? Click here for the article.

Welcome everyone to the Weekly Haiku Prompt Challenge. You may have found your way here through The Daily Post pages, the WordPress Reader, Twitter, Google+, or however you found us, we’re glad you came. I’m not just saying that. After you have been with us for a time you will realize we aren’t just a place to share a three line poem. We are a community of friends here. That doesn’t mean you have to talk to us. Just visit the various Haiku and click Like if you actually like something.

I created this challenge to have a place for people to share and gain a little exposure to other readers they might not have otherwise AND of course to enjoy Haiku. We all have different people who visit our blogs.

Provide your Twitter Handle IF you have one. I usually can get it from sharing your Haiku through your Twitter sharing button. If you have a Twitter and don’t  have it linked to your account don’t worry you can still have the share option work with the handle. Click here to find out how to have your Twitter Handle show up in your share option. You know. I have a how-to article for just about everything. If not? Ask and I’ll write one. Also it is helpful if you have Google+ to follow me there by clicking here so I can include you on the Weekly Review when I post it there.

 Ill & Rest

No need to guess the inspiration for the words this week.

My Example

Reach deep with your words

For her lovely heart my friend,

I will vie as well.

Reach deep with your words, for her lovely heart my friend.

For her lovely heart, my friend, I will vie as well.

You do not have to include the sentences within your post, but it does help others understand how Haiku works if you do.

But Haiku traditionally deals with nature in some way. Perhaps the above could be seen as the nature of a person. But let me see if I can do something with the words I came up with for nature itself.

A sound doth reach here,

In nights of far ranging man,

Life vies to be heard.

A sound doth reach here, in nights of far ranging man.

In nights of far ranging man, life vies to be heard.

So you’ve written the  Haiku and you’ve created the post. Now what?

  1. You can put a the link of this post in your post and it should, I say should, do a ping back to this post and I and others should see it.
  2. I recommend as well for you to copy the link of your post once it has been published in the comments of this post. That’s a guarantee for it to be seen and I will be certain to include it in the Weekly Review.
  3. Visit other people’s Haiku.
  4. The deadline is Sunday by Noon EST. That’s New York City time.
  5. Shortly after Noon EST the Weekly Review with the names of each blogger, their site names, the name of their Haiku and a link to that Haiku will be published, along with my thoughts, and the Twitter Handle of each person.
  6. The Weekly Review is then Tweeted. The ‘Choices’ are tweeted with the first Tweet. I then continue to tweet the post until every person’s twitter handle has been mentioned.
  7. I also Post the Weekly Review on Google+ with the Twitter Handles and if I am your friend on Google+ I include you there as well.

What’s a Ping Back?

A ping back is when you place the URL from the address bar of this post into the post you write your Haiku on. It will look something like this,


You also have to make certain the link is actually in there by clicking on the add link button which is next to the right alignment button for WordPress. To me the add link button kind of looks like a diagonal paper clip. It’s the fifth from the right in the WordPress post editor. Click here to find out how.

For a full refresher or How to write Haiku in English click here. But you can use whatever Haiku style you want to. As long as you, do a Haiku.

For Tips and Guidelines refreshers click here.

 DEADLINE: Noon on Sunday New York Time.


There are TWO “CHOICE!” recipients each week. One for Humor and one for something more Serious. The Haiku are quite good each week and I am having to turn to the structure guidelines of a Haiku at times to help determine my selection.

Really each Haiku is a choice of mine, and I’m not just saying that, so I feel a bit odd even having something called A RONOVAN’S CHOICE, but hey, it’s a thing, right? And it does make it kind of fun.

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England Comics Creators at home and their US invasion. #AtoZChallenge

The Letter E Image for the A To Z Blogging Challenge.I attempted to do a few other countries, saving this one for another letter. I knew I couldn’t get away with a series on comic book creators without England. It was going to be under Great Britain. Due to the political nature and sensitivity of another country I attempted, but learned a great deal about, I decided the U.K. could be separated into the actual countries, if that be the right term to use.


What I will attempt here, is to keep the creators mentioned to those born in what would be called England proper, my term.

Before some of you howl for The Beano1, or The Dandy2,those may make an appearance later in the alphabet where they provide an outlet for many creators.

One thing to keep in mind about comics from England is they were not a focus nor had as much an impact as they did in the United States during the early years of development. Why? Something called WWII and a focus on staying alive, holding onto a country, and putting paper and ink to better uses.

I’ll begin in an odd place today, with:

Marcus Morris

Marcus Morris Photograph, black and white.Reverend John Marcus Harston Morris OBE3 was a Publisher born in 1915 in Preston, Lancashire. His venture into comics began as a result of his belief the church was not doing enough in the way of putting out anything to combat the influences of the more violent American comics. He thought British youth needed something more wholesome and I suppose role model like.

He began a publishing career with The Anvil, including articles by C.S. Lewis4 and went on to titles such as the Eagle, Girls, Robin, and Swift. Each for a target age group.Eagle

The Eagle5 featured Dan Dare6 created by artist and writer Frank Hampson. One thing would come back to haunt specifically Hampson in later years that Morris did in order to get Eagle published. Watch the video below about Frank Hampson to find out.

Frank Hampson

Frank Hampson photograph.Frank Hampson7 was born in Audenshaw, Lancashire in 1918. He was hired by Morris as illustrator on The Anvil and went onto fame with Dan Dare which he created. Over time Hampson eventually met with legal troubles over breach of contract with his working on strip ideas while under contract with Longacre Press8. This resulted in hisFrank Hampson young.Dan Dare basically leaving the comics industry. During his days on Dan Dare, Hampson used models and research to have everything just right for his space missions. The photos here side by side show who Dan Dare was based on. Yes, that’s a younger Hampson on the right. He even had as a consultant a young science fiction writer named Arthur C. Clarke9.

 I know you’ve been waiting for him.

Alan Moore

Alan Moore writer.Alan Moore10 is a writer born in Northampton, England in 1953. Genius. I could stop there but I am certain you want more. His big start into the world of comic books came after being rejected for 2000AD11, famously known for the character of Judge Dredd12. Instead he wrote short stories for other publications at the encouragement of their editor. If you are lucky you also have copies of Moore’s work in Doctor Who Weekly13 from this time, which would be the early to mid 1980s.

He did eventually find his footing in 2000AD and he refers to his best work as The Ballad of Halo Jones14. The story of which ended sooner than expected due to intellectual property rights. But Moore had other outlets.

Marvel UK15 came calling with Doctor Who Weekly and primarily Captain Britain16. I admit Captain Britain is one of my favorite characters in the mainstream comic book atmosphere, from as far back as his appearance in Marvel Team-Up #65 with Spider-Man, which I V for Vendetta cover.have #6617, the second part.

Moore then entered into a venture that would bring him into more of the writer we know today. Warrior18 came calling. An anthology book that gave creators more freedom. With Marvelman19 and V for Vendetta20, Moore had made it, but then-America came calling.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen cover.DC21 and Swamp Thing22, John Constantine23 of the Hellblazer24 comic. Batman: The Killing Joke25, and I will leave you with two others or we will be here all day. Watchmen26, see as the mini series of all time and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen27.

I strongly urge you to go to Wikipedia and read all you can and follow the links to his various work. He is an inspiration in many ways. Not only in his writing and creativity but in his commitment to the rights of the creator of characters.

The video has some spoilers if you haven’t read Watchmen and might be interested in doings so. I suggest you do. I have them and I can tell you they are not like any other comics you’ve read. Moore puts the superhero in a whole different light and reality. He makes them more real than when Marvel made buildings have plumbing when they were lifted up, while DC had Superman picking them up and putting them down with no problem. This is bigger than that. You do get to hear Moore read from Rorschach’s journal. I found it cool to hear how the writer thought it sounded in his head.

peter-milliganPeter Milligan28, born of England, currently London, best I can tell, links to Alan Moore in that he wrote Hellblazer. But his beginning was with a familiar book called 2000AD where he had his own ongoing strip called Bad Company29. Milligan found his way into American and DC and as the ongoing writer for Batman30 in Detective Comics31.

Milligan is responsible for the character of Azrael32, who became Batman for a time after Bruce Wayne’s33back, who was in fighting as Batman, was broken by Bane34. He also did work for Marvel35 by launching Elektra36. Wrote on X-Force37, which was cancelled and replaced with X-Statix38 also cancelled.  Basically the same and with Milligan writing.


There are many more creators that could be mentioned. But if I did, as with Alan Moore, we would be here all day. Some have been mentioned previously, and some will be mentioned in future countries as partners of other creators. But for now, that’s it from England.

Let’s Connect.




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Click the D for Denmark or click the following title which is a link as well.

Denmark, Superman and Valhalla? Okay.





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1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beano Return to Text
2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dandy Return to Text
3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Morris_%28publisher%29 Return to Text
4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._S._Lewis Return to Text
5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eagle_%28British_comics%29 Return to Text
6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Dare Return to Text
7 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Hampson Return to Text
8 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longacre_Press Return to Text
9 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_C._Clarke Return to Text
10 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Moore Return to Text
11 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_AD_%28comics%29 Return to Text
12 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judge_Dredd Return to Text
13 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tharg%27s_Future_Shocks
14 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Who_Magazine Return to Text
15 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ballad_of_Halo_Jones Return to Text
16 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_UK Return to Text
17 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Britain Return to Text
18 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warrior_%28comics%29 Return to Text
19 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvelman Return to Text
20 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V_for_Vendetta Return to Text
21 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detective_Comics Return to Text
22 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swamp_Thing_%28comic_book%29 Return to Text
23 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Constantine Return to Text
24 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellblazer Return to Text
25 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman:_The_Killing_Joke Return to Text
26 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchmen Return to Text
27 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_League_of_Extraordinary_Gentlemen Return to Text
28 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Milligan Return to Text
29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Company_%28comics%29
30 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman Return to Text
31 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detective_Comics Return to Text
32 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azrael_%28comics%29 Return to Text
33 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman Return to Text
34 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bane_%28comics%29 Return to Text
35 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elektra_%28comics%29 Return to Text
36 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Comics Return to Text
37  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Force Return to Text
38 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Statix Return to Text

Click to Return to the Top.

RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge 38 Review


It’s been a great week for the Haiku Challenge. I remember when some had never written a Haiku before but now are amazing me. There is something about telling a story, or feelings, or a memory in just a few short lines and syllables that brings out something inside of you. We are missing some of our regulars this week. That nasty thing called Spring Break here in the US might have a little something to do with that. I did go and check a few places to make certain I didn’t miss a few regulars, just in case.

I want to thank all of the well wishers this past week. No, I don’t mean the one Lassie is trying to get help for Timmy with. Several Haiku were aimed at my becoming healthier. I am still several weeks away from recovery but I can prop up in bed with a laptop. That means the Challenge keeps on keeping on. Much Love to all of you.


Be aware all links and images if clicked will open in a new window. Links are in blue and usually underlined. I believe they look cleaner and nicer this way rather than having a URL showing on the page.

39 Poets this week. With 5 New Poets Joining in. And 50 Haiku.

Very sad to see some were absent this week. Hope all is well.

New This Week

stustu06bloc9 of actually two blogs. The Haiku is on Pitter Patter Poetry but there is also Snailzpace Daily: “My blog here is a personal journal / work-book type blog, sometimes the home to writing done in response to challenge prompts, reflection and often rambling.”~From the About page.  Now the Haiku: Paired. Yes, that means two. Haiku about time, nature, man, rest. A lot of natural elements included. Very nice.

blair-kingBlair King of People, Things, and Life: “As a senior in college, I realized I may be headed down the wrong career path. I’m just discovering what I love, one post at a time.”~From the About on Facebook. The Haiku: Ill Thoughts. I like the message of this one. It reminds me of my own thoughts at times.

clickwriterclickerwriter of Captured by Aishwarya: “Only a photographer knows the joy of clicking 100 shots of the same flower to finally get the right picture. Only a writer knows how bittersweet it is to tear pages after pages and crumble each one of them just to get one story right.”~From the About page. The Haiku: Long Time Coming. At least that’s the title I’m giving it. For CW’s first go at our challenge this was nice. Nature. Two sentence structure. Opposing views. Check it out.

BRH of Haiku300: “I’d need to find a short form of poem. My time is precious and I’m lazy, so it’s got to be easy to do. I know – haikus! I’ll write a haiku every day! Hang on a minute, it’s already the 6th of January so maybe I should go for a smaller, more achievable number…”~From the About page. Yeah, I think you get the name of the blog now. The Haiku: To ill or be illed. A bit of the fruit of God, eh? Well that would probably work.

stacy-fischerStacy of Visual Venturing: “Obsessively visual person passionate about creating visually pleasing projects. I lead. I follow. I volunteer. I thrive on detail and organization. I have a zest for writing. I love my laptop and my camera. I’m crazy about theatre. And I’m obsessively visual. So what’s all this add up to?”~About Stacy. The Haiku: For Peter. Being a photography blog you know the image used is good. The Haiku itself is excellent. A Haiku about a person and seasonal weather can read as simply about nature, earth. Very nice. Two sentence structure. And the sentences have opposite meanings, at least to me. Sometimes I wonder if some do and I am just reading them that way. But I am the reader, and that’s what counts.  


First to Enter this Week:

edwinaEdwina of Edwina’s Episodes: Nymphomaniac. A cautionary tale? Based on the emotional level, perhaps the human Nature aspect of the world. Nature being a basis for Haiku. Good one.

Mira of They, You And Me and To Wear and Rainbow blogs:  in your arms…. Two offerings of what you want them to be. Could be love, lust, illness for one, loss. Good form with two sentence structure. Looking to the emotional as oppose to the actions. Good.  @BediMona

Elizabeth of Tea & Paper: Plague. Considering my recent health battle and hospitalization, I at first thought this was a pointed jab at me. Of course Elizabeth wouldn’t do that. It wasn’t the plague I had, close but not quite. She speaks of a Lady in this one. And that lady’s name is . . . Read and find out. @TeandPaper

Ritu of But I Smile Anyway…: Ritu returns for her second week with two Haiku. Sinister Thoughts and Indulgence. And the titles do tell the tale the needed to be told. Or tales. I mean there are two of them. That first one has me worried a little bit. Remind me to keep being nice to her.

Ruth of Mad Meandering Me: Sweet Suicide…  She’s cool, y’all. No need to worry. Just letting the words flow is all. Believe me, I was concerned a touch when I saw the title as well. Not specifically about her but about the thoughts that go through minds at times. But that’s what we get for being creatives.

Sacha Black of Sacha Black: Black is back for a second week. Gotta love it, right? I call this one No Rest. I somewhat think I disagree with that last sentence formed. I don’t think they will rest even then. But that’s a matter of point of view. Maniacal laugh. Maniacal laugh. Remember when you visit Sacha does several writing challenges at once. Enjoy those as you meander down to the Haiku. Actually we are only second on the list this week.

Sue Vincent from Daily Echo: Intrusion. Hmm, very nature oriented. Opposite meanings. Good imagery. Mhmm. Mhmm. Sue is one of our resident Authors. Click here  for her Amazon Author Page and all those books she’s written.  @SCVincent

Rajani Radhakrishnan of THOTPURGE: Silver Lace. Again we have some nature elements showing up. Nice imagery. Clever use of the imagery as well for the title. Let your imagination go for just a moment and you see it. Very nice. I think this and Intrusion by Sue would be great companion Haiku.

Claudette of to search and to find happiness in every day: Taking the Cure. Nature is abundant. I like it. Claudette speaks of a healing element that is greatly overlooked. This one thing does so much good. 

Alka Girdhar of Magnanimous WordRewards of Goodwill. I like the message this week. Reading the story to go with it, the explanation, as I enjoy with Alka’s entries, I look at her Haiku instead of the material plane of existence and more toward the spiritual plane. A very good think piece this week. One well worth your time to check out. Peaceful Sunday. Well, just say Amen, why don’t we? @girally

Sandra of Wild Daffodil: Time to get wild with Sandra. I’m already talking crazy and not even halfway finished? Yep, trouble ahead. Gold Granny. No, not exactly her title, but I’m going with it. I loved the story behind the Haiku and the images, especially the smaller one.

Faith Unlocked: Our Friend Suffers. I think this one is about me. But we all have so many friends this could be for. A Haiku prayer. Well, apparently it’s been a week for our friend. We also have Give Me Silence. A definite one I can relate to. Apparently a lot of people can. Definitely need to check it out. @FaithUnlocked

WritersDream9: Rest. Okay, giving me flashbacks here. Evil. EVIL! 🙂 Okay, not so evil but still. Maybe tiny evil.

Greg of Potholes in the Road of Life: Two of a Kind. A great message this week. Greg tells something a lot of people forget, especially on Sundays. @greg_wolford 

Felicity of The Dark Night Chronicles: Traveller. Nice two sentence structure. Funny, the discussion in the comments were about syllable counts. The things a Haiku makes people talk about. Felicity is also one of our Authors. You can get her book Erotic Passages at Amazon by clicking here.

Rachael Ritchey of Writing Rachael Ritchey: Greed. Interesting. I think of masks. Remember to check out her book The Beauty Thief is available o.n Amazon with great reviews.  

Nato of Chasing Life and Finding Dreams: Weak from Life. Another great message for today. Visit Michelle’s photography page Michelle Lunato Photography. @MichelleLunato

SW ysobel of Spunky Wayfarer: Okay, I think our friend is trying to make it a challenge for me to come up with titles.  Blinged Nest. @SpunkyWayfarer

Geoff Le Pard of TanGental:  Peekaboo. Two this week. Bit of comical play with the first with a touch of nonsensical and the second a life lesson for a few. Go to Amazon to get Dead Flies and Sherry Trifle. I don’t know who Sherry is but I mean what’s she doing with the dead flies? But yeah, click here for Amazon UK and here for the US. @geofflepard

Marigold of Versus Blurb: Shake it Off. I know. She’s not Swifty or as the Rock called her on Lip Sync Battle Tay Tay. But I think this is Marigold’s goal this season. Go purchase Marigold Deidre Dicer’s book The Black Swan Inheritance from Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes and Noble or the iBooks store or purchase it from Amazon on Kindle by clicking here. @MarigoldDicer

Marjorie of Kyrosmagica: We have two this week. A Bitter Ill and The Tornado’s Fist. Two very good ones where nature can or is involved and I love the image used for the second one.

Vashti Quiroz-Vega: Hatred. I see the message of this one as something prevalent in the world today, even among fellow writers. Get Vashti’s The Basement on Amazon by clicking here.  

Florence of Rambling On Blog: Get over yourself, Ron. Well, I have to have fun somewhere along the way. @FTThum

Prakash of It’s PH:   For Real. Not sure if this is aimed at me but let me tell you. He nailed it. Wait, did he just call me crazy? @itsPhTweet

E. Rawls of E. Rawls: Author creating stories and art: Knights’ Death War, huh, yeah. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, oh hoh, oh. I think the best would be to her book page on her weebly site, http://erawls.weebly.com/  

Hugh of Hugh’s Views & News: Easter Delight. He’s an evil man. But then I wondering how the chicken and the bunny got busy and . . . well never mind. You’ll just have to go see. And see Hugh. He’s got to be sick right now. @RobertHughes05

Dr. KO of KO Rural Mad As Hell Blog: Glad Heart. The doctor has spoken. Mhmm. I should have expected this.

Melissa M of This, right now: oops. Well, it is that time of year, but um, I would have that the other guy would be the one oopsing. Is anyone else proud of me for not breaking out into the Britney song?

Alyssa of Battered Wife Seeking Better Life: Karma’s Wrath. Nice. Great photo go to with it. Two sentence structure. A go see for sure. (Some may wonder why her name changes each week. Well she said I could use different ones. This is a throw back to the days of when I was younger and a show called Who’s the Boss was on. Who am I kidding? This is for today and Alyssa Milano being Alyssa Milano.) @BWseekingBL

Canaf of Faithful Devotionals: Chronic Pain. I’m feeling you on this one. The past few days have been bad.

Khor Hui Min of Project Prose:  Rest Well A message for me. 🙂 No, really, it’s for me. @MinKhor

Meredith and Martha of Meredith’s Musings Best Wishes and Anger from Martha then Nick and Anger from Meredith. Um, there is a reason I love these ladies so much. I think I would be taken care of  very well there. I  mean, you should see what they do for Nick. @Meredithlbl

Evolving Ruminations: Life and Death as well as Love Affair.  Two Haiku this week. I found the second one very interesting. Very nature centric. Very interesting thoughts to come up for that second one for sure.



Sue Vincent from Daily Echo: Intrusion. I’m going with Sue for message, structure, and basic true to Haiku theme of nature. It was the only way I could pick. I had a list and had to whittle it down by specifics. This was probably the toughest yet. Sue is one of our resident Authors. Click here  for her Amazon Author Page and all those books she’s written.  @SCVincent


ronovan writes humor haiku badge

Hugh of Hugh’s Views & News: Easter Delight. A week of Serious Haiku brought us a shining star of Humor. Some might not find it surprising Hugh would be that star but he usually brings more Serious Haiku. Humor is, at times more difficult to tap into. @RobertHughes05



I did a couple of Haiku this week, in addition to the two examples in the Challenge Post. Her will out. and It came to pass.


And the Closing Haiku:

She was ill at ease,

Letting others hold her back,

Gave her spine some rest.

 Inspiration for the Challenge Words.

Um, I was ill and in the hospital and I need to rest?

“I’ll go curl up in a ball now and quietly read Haiku in my dreams.” I know it’s the same from last week, but that happens reading all these Haiku for the Review. Not saying it’s a bad thing.

See y’all later,

Let’s connect.




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