A Haiku Perspective-Annette Rochelle Aben

You know, it’s not often, if ever, you find yourself as part of a quote you can use by an author. And even rarer if you can find that in an actual book that is in print.

Annette Rochelle Aben Quote“If not for the prompting of Ronovan Hester and his
Weekly Haiku Challenges via his blog
http://www.ronovanwrites.wordpress.com I
may not have fallen in love with writing Haiku. There is an entire section of this book filled with my offerings to some of these weekly challenges, for this is where it all started. Check out his blog, follow and receive the announcement each week of the challenge. I look forward to being inspired by what you write.”-Annette Rochelle Aben, A Haiku Perspective 2015

When Annette told me about this, actually phoned me, I was asleep. Fortunately I recognized the name Annette on my display, having been interviewed on her radio show before. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. You never know what something you do does for someone else.

My challenge planted a seed for a creative outlet for Annette, and her generosity for others in mentioning me gives me a push to keep going.

What makes this even more special is what this book does for others.

The Storybook Project of Iowa

This program allows for people to purchase a book and send it to a mother in an Iowa prison who then reads the book and records it for her children to hear her voice. The book and the recording are then sent to the child. Annette can tell you more about it and I believe she even offers a way to have the books autographed when they are sent to the women. You basically would send it to her and she would then send it onward. You can contact Annette for the full details.

Some people think of people in prison as criminals, but sometimes they are there because of situations. A mother wanting to read to her child is a sign of a wonderful character to me.

From Annette

“Here is an address if anyone wishes to send THEIR BOOKS directly to them. The Storybook Project of Iowa 1111 9th Ste 320 Des Moines, IA 50314 Attn: Tabby K. Originally, the project was geared toward authors who wrote children’s books, as many of these women have small children. However they did accept my books and found that some of the older children really appreciated them. So please author friends, gift these families one of your books, it will mean so much!”

A Haiku Perspective is a continuation of a project of Annette’s. Another of her works is called Perspective. You can visit her book page on her blog to learn more. And of course there is her Amazon Author page with all of her offerings.

A Haiku Perspective 2015 by Annette Rochelle Aben

This has been part of the #BeWoW and Writer’s Quote Wednesday Blog Link share. #BeWoW is me, of ourse and WQW is Colleen Chesebro of SilverThreading.com. Clink the link and share your quote link in her post, and your #BeWoW post here in my comments.


Ronovan Hester is an author, with the debut novel Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling due out in December. He shares his life as an amnesiac and Chronic Pain sufferer through his blog RonovanWrites.WordPress.com with the hope if inspiring others to overcome and continue on. His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as LitWorldInterviews.WordPress.com.

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13 thoughts on “A Haiku Perspective-Annette Rochelle Aben

  1. Thank you so much for your continuing kindness. I am honored to support your blog, fellow writers and The Storybook Project of Iowa. Here is an address if anyone wishes to send THEIR BOOKS directly to them. The Storybook Project of Iowa 1111 9th Ste 320 Des Moines, IA 50314 Attn: Tabby K. Originally, the project was geared toward authors who wrote children’s books, as many of these women have small children. However they did accept my books and found that some of the older children really appreciated them. So please author friends, gift these families one of your books, it will mean so much! xoxox

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not only is this project great for the kids, but the women, themselves, would love to have books that they can keep for their very own. So i am encouraging every author to send an autographed copy of a book they write to Tabby! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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